
Dolby Atmos Demo 2016

下圖所見是這碟主頁菜單,明確地把內容分成8大類別,當然是電影與電視片段佔較多內容。她屬於一隻單面單層的BD-25碟,收錄147分鐘( 兩個多小時) 佔用23GB內容 ...

Dolby Atmos Demo Disc

Top Gun: Maverick [4K UHD]. StarringTom Cruise · 4.84.8 out of 5 stars. (14.5K). 900+ bought in past month. 4K. $14.99$14.99. List: $25.99$25.99.

How to get Dolby Atmos demo disk files (downloads) from...

If anyone is still looking for the Aug 2018 Dolby Demo Disk... It can be purchased here. I've purchased it and will upload it to my Google drive when it arrives.

Dolby Laboratories

評分 5.0 (1) This Dolby Atmos demonstration disc can be played back through an existing Blu-ray Disc™ player that is fully compliant with current Blu-ray™ specifications. To ...

Dolby Atmos

Try a Dolby Atmos demo. Choose from a range of songs across genres to hear — and see — the difference. start now. Try a Dolby Atmos demo ... Dolby Atmos Visualizer Music · Find Music in Dolby Atmos · Dolby Professional

Dolby Demo Disc

評分 4.0 (4) New Box Dolby Atmos Blu-Ray Demo Disc (Sep 2016) :1-Disc All Region Blu-ray BD. Brand New · Blu-ray · Blu-ray. $23.99. or Best Offer. Free delivery.

ELAC DOLBY ATMOS Demonstration Disc Blu-Ray

Price: $21.00 ; Offerer: Elac ; Produced: 2015 ; Running Time: 10min. ; Format: 1080/24p ; Video Codec: AVC

Dolby Atmos Demo disc | Page 2

Here are some you can download: www.avsforum.com Reelwood 2019 Demo Clips Collection 4K Atmos dtsX and more instead of creating a new demo disc.

Dolby and DTS demo discs. : r4kbluray

The new Spears & Munsil 4K test disc set now has Dolby Atmos and DTS: X demos now available on them. Upvote 2. Downvote Reply reply

4K & Dolby Atmos demonstration disc

Hi Stereonet. I am trying to find a demonstration disc that showcases the best parts of multiple different movies.


下圖所見是這碟主頁菜單,明確地把內容分成8大類別,當然是電影與電視片段佔較多內容。她屬於一隻單面單層的BD-25碟,收錄147分鐘(兩個多小時)佔用23GB內容 ...,TopGun:Maverick[4KUHD].StarringTomCruise·4.84.8outof5stars.(14.5K).900+boughtinpastmonth.4K.$14.99$14.99.List:$25.99$25.99.,IfanyoneisstilllookingfortheAug2018DolbyDemoDisk...Itcanbepurchasedhere.I'vepurchaseditandwilluploadittomyGoogledrivewheni...